邀请您见证我们的爱情。,邀请函内容如下:新郎 & 新娘,距婚礼时间还有,2020年10月28日You are expected to witness our wedding,Grow old together with a loved one ,Find a city to live till death,爱の,见,证,MEET TEACH OTHERYou are expected to witness our wedding,遇,见,Grow old together with a loved one ,Find a city to live till death爱の,见,证,You are expected to witness our wedding,Grow old together with a loved one ,Find a city to live till death,MEET TEACH OTHER,沉浸在幸福中的我们, 将在 ,2020年10月28日 星期六 18:00 \n,举办结婚典礼\n,席设:喜来登酒店\n六楼宴会厅\n,地址:香坊区香福路63号 缘,份,Grow old together with a loved one ,Find a city to live till death相,恋,Grow old together with a loved one ,Find a city to live till death,No time is willing to go back, \n,and with affectionate cowhite first\n,Love makes happiness continue \n,You are expected to witness our wedding,Grow old together with a loved one ,Find a city to live till deathYou are expected to witness our wedding,时,光,Grow old together with a loved one ,Find a city to live till deathGrow old together with a loved one ,Find a city to live till death,想,念,No time is willing to go back, \n,and with affectionate cowhite first\n,Love makes happiness continue \n,You are expected to witness our wedding,Grow old together with a loved one ,Find a city to live till deathGrow old together with a loved one ,Find a city to live till death,幸,福,You are expected to witness our weddingGrow old together with a loved one ,Find a city to live till death,幸,福,You are expected to witness our weddingGrow old together with a loved one ,Find a city to live till death,幸,福,You are expected to witness our weddingGrow old together with a loved one ,Find a city to live till death,幸,福,You are expected to witness our weddingYou are expected to witness our wedding,We welcome you to witness our happy wedding,MEET TEACH OTHER,您是第 位见证我们幸福的人联系新娘,微视频,You are expected to witness our wedding,MEET TEACH OTHER,联系新郎,微视频,地图导航,点我导航